Welcome to my store which contains books, gifts and supplies.
I've chosen to go for quality over quantity. Some of the items I've purchased and tried for myself.
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For some of the items I've created a study for an in-depth look at spiritual aspects.
I hope you enjoy my selection.
The Tall Stones
- Moyra Caldecott
I've read this book several times and enjoyed it each time. It's set a few thousand years ago at Avebury, England, UK. Quite spiritual. Includes astral travel and the usefulness of calming the mind (meditation).
The Chronicles Of Narnia
- C.S.Lewis
This is a childhood favourite that I reread as an adult. A magical land with Aslan providing some quite deep spiritual and God-like qualities.
The Belgariad Series
- David Eddings
I love these books, I've read them a few times! There's magic involved, and Gods. Some of the characters can shift into animal forms. Through these books I travel to another world, this is a spiritual experience.
Thomas Covenant Series
- Stephen Donaldson
This is another set of books which I've read many times, transporting me away to different world each time. One of my favourite quotes from these books is "Joy Is In The Ears That Hear".
The Lord of The Rings + The Hobbit
- J.R.R Tolkien
Immerse yourself in the magic, adventure and spirituality of Middle-earth.
This good looking box set was published to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit.
The Silmarillion
- J.R.R Tolkien
Immerse yourself in the magic, adventure and spirituality of Middle-earth.
This book recounts the events of the First and Second Ages of Middle-earth, and introduces some key characters.
Book Of Shadows - 150 Spells, Charms, Potions
and Enchantments for Wiccans
Many Wiccans use a book called a Book Of Shadows which is a personal grimoire that contains spells, rituals and teachings. This book can be unique to each practitioner or coven.
This book is good value for money.